Thursday, August 26, 2010

MoMA on my mind

New York city has been on my mind a lot this week. It started while watching my new favorite show called "How to Make it in America" which is set in NYC and captures the raw desperation of breaking into a career in the Big Apple when I happened upon a link to "Every Painting in the MoMA on 10 April 2010".

Out of the many of works of art in this photo montage, every few seconds I am hit with an image that moved me to the core when I saw it in the flesh for the first time at the age of 18.

It is one thing to see reproductions of art in magazines, books and even prints, but it is quite another to see them up close. I will never forget coming within inches of the luscious texture on the canvas of “Starry Night” by Vincent VanGogh.

Coming face to face with a work of art that was made, touched and conjured up by creative marvels such as VanGogh, Picasso or Pollack is like no other experience; the likes of which often brings me to tears.

What moves me when visiting galleries such as the MoMA is that we get to experience and take in modern masterpieces that were not created with our viewing pleasure in mind, but yet we reap the visual benefits of their genius.

Original works of art should be seen up close.. but as I rarely get to New York, I will continue to visit with some of my favorite paintings through this video.

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